ASR Nederland N. V.
Aviva plc
Crédit Agricole Assurances
Fidelis MGU
Generali Group – Assicurazioni Generalil S.p.A.
Hellenic Hull Management (HMA) Limited
Intesa Sanpaolo Vita Insurance Group
KB Insurance
NN Group N.V.
Join us
We encourage insurers and reinsurers worldwide to join their peers by signing the commitment and joining the Alliance. Help us win the race to zero!
To become a member of the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance, please submit a complete NZIA application to the Secretariat. The application consists of the following documents:
- The NZIA statement of commitment signed by your CEO
- A completed NZIA application form
- A CEO letter of support (see the application form for more details)
- Your organisation’s Certificate of Incorporation
Please send these documents to It will then take approximately 1-2 weeks to confirm your status as a member.
Kindly note that your organisation must be a signatory to the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) to become a member of the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance, or commit to sign the Principles within one year upon joining the Alliance.