10-12 December 2013 | Moscow, Russia
The international conference, hosted by the Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs of Russia, Vnesheconombank, served as a platform for ideas exchange and solution identification on how to further expand and strengthen the role of businesses, including the finance sector, in meeting the objectives of Russia’s sustainable development goals. The Conference addressed issues such the role of Russia in the shaping and implementation of the UN post 2015 global development agenda, the inclusion of environment at the heart of a new economic development model in Russia, the role of the Government and private sector in establishing and implementing standards for responsible business conduct, the practical steps that need to be taken by the Government, business and society towards a greener economy in Russia, and non-financial reporting and engagement with stakeholders for greater transparency on corporate sustainability performance. The conference comprised a focus session on environmental and social risk analysis, which unveiled existing practices in Russia and abroad, and was followed by training on the topic. The session engaged participants in understanding financial institutions environmental and social impacts, as well as their exposure to and means of management of social and environmental risks. http://sustainability-conference.veb.ru/en