
The ESRA Lab Workshop seeks to:

  • Illustrate the environmental and social risks involved in lending and investing projects of banks as a consequence of the activities of their clients.
  • Show participants the limitations of their current procedures for detecting environmental risks, and the way they can enhance these procedures through the implementation of international best practices.
  • Familiarise participants with the environment in which clients of Financial Institutions work in order to detect environmental and social risks generated by their activities.
  • Train participants on what to do in order to detect, reduce and evaluate environmental and social risks through tools used on an international basis.
Content and target audience

The day of training is divided into four key sections:

  1. Introduction to sustainable finance and environmental risk:
    Participants are made familiar with the concept of sustainable finance and specific issues on environmental and social risks.
  2. Research:
    During this main part of the workshop, participants are invited to identify, evaluate and manage environmental and social risks using real examples (financing proposals) through on-line tools.
  3. Simulations:
    Participants prepare their own projects through the search for and analysis of information on the environmental and social risks associated with these. Participants present their projects and analyses to a “credit committee”, they also engage “clients” on the refinancing of a loan and respond to the questions of an “executive committee” in the context of a major crisis.
  4. Conclusions:
    In this final stage of the workshop, participants are invited to present their experiences on the limitations of their current systems and to develop recommendations on adapting these kinds of practices in their respective organizations.

The target audience includes representatives from Financial Institutions only, especially risk managers and analysts working in development, commercial, corporate and/or investment banks. The “Lab” Workshop specifically focuses on FI representatives with a clear mandate within their institutions to carry out the analysis of environmental and social risks, and who are already familiarised with the basics of this practice. Groups of participants vary between 20 and 30 persons.

Frequency and cost

On demand only (sector-wide or in-house). In general, participation is free of charge, as our workshops are usually supported and sponsored by local partners.

Overall, 8 ESRA Lab Workshops have been held in English and Spanish with a total of 203 participants from 10 countries since 2009. Access the workshops details below.

    Interested in attending, organizing or hosting a risk workshop in your country? Contact us

    Training partners