Climate Change & the TCFD: Risks & Opportunities for the Banking industry

The Government of Suriname and the UN System in Suriname are implementing a SDG Joint Fund Programme project that aims to elaborate sustainable development financing strategies for four priority sectors. An objective is to ensure more inclusive and gender responsive actions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The second training on “Climate Change and TCFD: risks and opportunities” will be held in dedicated sessions on 24 & 31 May, and 7, 14 & 21 June 2022 from 9:30 to 11:30 am local time.

These Series of training webinars provide participants with an introduction to the fundamental aspects of risk management and opportunities linked to Climate Change and impacts to Suriname.

Target Audience: Risk managers and analysts in financial institutions, governments and financial regulators with little or no knowledge/experience of Climate risk and opportunity in Suriname.

Methodology: The training includes a mix of theory, illustrations and practical exercises where risk managers and analysts in financial institutions, governments and financial regulators with little or no knowledge/experience of Climate risk and opportunity in Suriname.

The webinar will be delivered in English and materials will be translated into Dutch, and shared with all participants.

Participants who actively participate in the 3 training sessions and submit all course assignments will receive a certificate of attendance from UNEP FI and its partners at the end of the training.


Carolina Yazmín López –

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