
A New Approach to Unlocking Private Finance for Climate and the SDGs in Egypt & Morocco

This paper is the product of a UNEP FI Reflective Cycle which investigated how a holistic and more locally driven approach to the SDGs could unlock private finance for climate change and other SDG topics in the MENA region. This process, which was conducted in Egypt and Morocco, combined desk-top research with a series of dialogues with experts and decision-makers from public and private entities from both countries.

Diving Deep: Finance, Ocean Pollution and Coastal Resilience

A science-based, actionable toolkit for banks, insurers and investors to align  decision-making with a sustainable blue economy. The Diving Deep Guidance helps financial institutions to break the pollution cycle, including plastics and other solid waste, and manage the impacts of coastal infrastructure projects such as seawalls, while exploring the potential of nature-based solutions including mangroves and reefs. Featuring inspirational photographs by Cristina Mittermeier.

Leadership strategies for client engagement: Advancing climate-related assessments

This report is designed to support the financial sector to improve assessment and interactions with clients in line with net zero plans. It has been created as part of the UNEP FI TCFD programme and builds on the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership’s Banking Environment Initiative Let’s Discuss Climate: the essential guide to bank-client engagement.

Recommendations for Credible Net-Zero Commitments from Financial Institutions

This paper sets out a high-level framework for what a credible, transparent and comparable 1.5°C science-based commitment looks like and what it will mean for the real economy transition. By defining net-zero, this guidance helps financial institutions achieve consistency in target setting and implementation of their net-zero goals.

Extending Our Horizons: Assessing credit risk and opportunity in a changing climate – Chinese Version

《放眼未来:气候变化带来的信贷风险与机遇评估》 第一部分:转型风险与机遇 此报告由16家全球领先银行合作完成,旨在试行金融稳定理事会气候相关财务信息披露工作组(TCFD)提出的建议。这16家银行皆为联合国环境署金融倡议(UNEP FI)的成员。该项目按照TCFD的建议开发和测试了一套情景分析法,评估气候变化对公司贷款组合的潜在影响。作为一个开创性的试验,此项目为应用TCFD建议的长期探索迈出了至关重要的第一步。 本报告主要分析转型风险,它与低碳经济转型相关,是系列报告的第一部分。 英文版     中文版