Join us for a breakfast briefing in London to discover why natural capital risk is a material concern for financial institutions as we launch our natural capital risk assessment guide developed under the Natural Capital Finance Alliance, in collaboration with PwC.

Human activities are causing accelerating environmental change, notably in the form of climate change, pollution, and habitat loss. These changes are increasingly disrupting businesses’ operations and bottom line, with real implications for financial institutions’ portfolios. For this reason the Natural Capital Finance Alliance (funded by SECO and the MAVA Foundation) has driven the development of tools and insights to help practitioners identify and manage material natural capital risks within their portfolios.

During the event, we will present a new framework developed by PwC in collaboration with the Natural Capital Finance Alliance to support financial institutions in assessing natural capital risk in their portfolios. We will be joined by UNEP-WCMC who will provide an introduction to the new ENCORE Tool for exploring natural capital risks in every sector of the economy. The event is also an opportunity to hear from a panel of financial institutions who will share their perspectives and experience dealing with natural capital risk. For more information on the ENCORE tool, take a look here.

The event will kick off with breakfast and networking from 9am, with presentations starting at 9:30am. There will be time for questions to our experts and guest speakers and we will aim to wrap up around 11am.


When? 9:00 – 11:00 on Monday 29 April 2019

Where? PwC, Seminar Space, 1 Embankment Place, London, WC2N 6RH

To register or if you have any questions, contact Alexandra Spinks at PWC.