Fana Sparebank (the Bank) is an independent savings bank established in 1878. Its main operation is to supply local and regional retail customers with a broad range of financial services, including lending, deposits and payment services. As a savings bank, Fana Sparebank has a particular interest in serving the local community both with commercial services and by contributing to a sustainable development. Fana Sparebank holds a retail market share of approximately 8 per cent in the greater Bergen region. Moody’s Investor Services rates the Bank A3. The subsidiary Fana Sparebank Boligkreditt AS issues Aaa-rated covered bonds.

Sustainability strategy

Fana Sparebank has adopted the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as guidelines for business conduct and corporate gvernance. As such, the Bank’s main strategy include ambitious goals in order to obtain a sustainable business model. Fana Sparebank has identified points of actions and intended measures for all 17 SDGs.

Fana Sparebank has been committed to UN Global Compact since 2018. This means that the Bank will conduct it’s operating in ways that, at a minimum, meet fundamental responsibilities. These commitments are outlined in Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact within four main areas Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-corruption.

Why did the bank join UNEP FI?

In general, banks play a key role in influencing local, regional and global development. Being a local savings bank, Fana Sparebank wishes to contribute to ensure that the future development in our community is conducted in a responsible and sustainable manner. Joining UNEP FI represents a commitment to achieve those goals.


“Being an independent, local savings bank, we take pride in playing an active role in our community, contributing to ensuring a sustainable future.” Lisbet K. Nærø, CEO, Fana Sparebank

Sustainability Report included in Annual Report