
15 November, 2006 | COP 12 – Nairobi, Kenya

UNEP FI’s CCWG held a side event at the UN Climate Change Conference in Nairobi, marking the launch of its latest report “Adaptation and Vulnerability to Climate Change: The Role of the Finance Sector.” The report is the latest from the Climate Change Working Group, and calls for urgent public-private action to prepare for the economic impacts of climate change. If adaptation is not made a priority, the UN’s Millennium Development Goals will be not be achieved or their progress will be seriously impeded. The document, backed by 15 institutions, including some of the largest banks, insurers, reinsurers and investment companies, advocates a new approach on part of governments and the private sector to address the physical changes that climate change will bring, integrating adaptation with sustainable economic development and disaster management.

Speakers and Presentations


Lisa Petrovic, Project Manager
Climate Change Working Group