Your bank has a unique and critical role to play in pivoting the global economic system, using its lending and financing decisions and client relationships to redirect capital for the transition and accelerate the pace and scale of positive change across entire economies.

To help signatories to the Principles for Responsible Banking implement the sustainable finance framework and align the strategies and operations of your organisation with the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, we have developed the Principles for Responsible Banking Academy (PRB Academy).

The new training programme will upskill banking professionals around the world and prepare them for the huge challenges they, their businesses and their customers are facing from climate change, nature loss, pollution and social issues. Banking professionals can access four modules:

  • Foundations of responsible banking
  • Climate-related issues and how these topics influence banking sector
  • A unit for bankers working with clients and customers that want to evolve as responsible businesses entities.
  • A special module for Board members and senior executives 

Find out more and explore the courses here and speak to your learning and development department now to find out how you and all your colleagues can take part in this game-changing training programme. In order to provide mainstream training on responsible banking to the entire banking sector, the Academy is open to all banks from around the world.

Find out more and register

Brought to you by UNEP FI, the Chartered Banker Institute and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

More information

Launching the Principles for Responsible Banking Academy at the UNEP FI Global Roundtable (12/10/2022)

Press release: New game-changing academy to train bankers on climate emergency and sustainability (10/10/2022)